
Entry Tryptophyllin-T2-8
Uniprot code P84953
Fasta P84953
Peptide names Tryptophyllin-T2-8
Suborder Neobatrachia
Family Hylidae
Genus Phyllomedusa
Species Phyllomedusa azurea
Ecozone Neotropic
Distribution Chacoan regions of eastern Bolivia (Beni and Santa Cruz provinces), Paraguay, northern Argentina (Salta, eastern Jujuy, Formosa, Chaco, northern Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, and Corrients provinces) and pantanal and cerrado regions of central and western Brazil (Rondonia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Tocantins, Goias, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, and Sao Paulo) with an isolated population in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil
Tissue Skin
Length 6

Segment type Name Length Amidated Sequence HC50 (μM) MIC E. coli (μM) MIC S. aureus (μM)