
Entry Frenatin-1
Uniprot code P82021
Fasta P82021
Peptide names Frenatin-1
Suborder Neobatrachia
Family Hylidae
Genus Litoria
Species Litoria infrafrenata
Ecozone Australasia
Distribution Lowlands of New Guinea; extending westwards to the islands of Timor, Halmahera, Seram, Buru, and Talaud Island; eastwards to New Ireland, Bismarck Archipelago, and south to the Aru Islands and Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia; introduced into Java
Antimicrobial & other activities antibacterial
Tissue Skin
Length 12

Segment type Name Length Amidated Sequence HC50 (μM) MIC E. coli (μM) MIC S. aureus (μM)