
Entry Gaegurin-6
Uniprot code P80400
Fasta P80400
Peptide names Gaegurin-6 GGN6 Brevinin-1EMb
Suborder Neobatrachia
Family Ranidae
Genus Rana
Species Glandirana rugosa
Ecozone Palearctic
Distribution Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu Islands, Japan; introduced into Hawaii, USA
Antimicrobial & other activities antibacterial, anticancer
Tissue Skin
Length 24
1. for MIC/HC50 S. Kim et al. / Peptides 24 (2003) 945-953. In vitro activities of native and designed peptide antibiotics against drug sensitive and resistant tumor cell lines
2. for other activities H-S. Won et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1788 (2009) 1620-1629. Action mechanism and structural requirements of the antimicrobial peptides, gaegurins

Segment type Name Length Amidated Sequence HC50 (μM) MIC E. coli (μM) MIC S. aureus (μM)