
Entry Caerin-3.1
Uniprot code P62562
Fasta P62562
Peptide names Caerin-3.1
Suborder Neobatrachia
Family Hylidae
Genus Litoria
Species Litoria splendida
Ecozone Australasia
Distribution Kimberley Divison of Western Australia (south to Kimbolton, Napier Downs, and Purnululu National Park) and adjacent Northern Territory (Keep River National Park), Australia
Antimicrobial & other activities nNOS inhibitor
Tissue Skin
Length 22
2. for other activities R.J. Jackway et al. / Regulatory Peptides 151 (2008) 80-87. Disulfide-containing peptides from the glandular skin secretions of froglets of the genus Crinia: structure, activity and evolutionary trends

Segment type Name Length Amidated Sequence HC50 (μM) MIC E. coli (μM) MIC S. aureus (μM)