Antimicrobial peptide PGQ

Entry Antimicrobial peptide PGQ
Uniprot code P39080
Fasta P39080
Peptide names Antimicrobial peptide PGQ
Suborder Mesobatrachia
Family Pipidae
Genus Xenopus
Species Xenopus laevis
Ecozone Afrotropic
Distribution Extreme southern Angola south to Cape Region of Rep. South Africa thence east and north in savanna habitats to north-east-central Central African Republic and southern Sudan and then west to Nigeria; introduced in southern California, Arizona, USA, Mexico, Chile, France, Mexico, Italy, and Java, Indonesia, as well as Ascension Island
Antimicrobial & other activities antibacterial
Tissue Skin, Stomach
Length 24

Segment type Name Length Amidated Sequence HC50 (μM) MIC E. coli (μM) MIC S. aureus (μM)
BioactiveAntimicrobial peptide PGQ24NoGVLSNVIGYLKKLGTGALNAVLKQ